Simbel is the location of two of the most fantastic
structures of Ancient Egypt the huge rock-cut temples of Rameses II (1279-1213bc0 and his queen Nefertari (1300-1250bc). Rameses
ordered these temples to be cut from the solid rock of the hillside. The largest temple is dedicated to the gods amun-Ra,
Ra-Horakhty, Ptah and the deified Rameses II.
Two pairs of 21 metre
high seated figures of Rameses II flank the entrance and dominate the temple
façade. These were the double
crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. The falcon headed god Ra-Horakhty stands in a niche above
the main entrance together with the goddess Maat and a sceptre of power, symbolizing the throne name of the ruler.
The small temple dedicated
to Nefertari and hathor has six 10 metre high statues. Four show Rameses II and the other two show his queen Nefertari. The
queen wears the symbols of the goddess hathor the double feathered crown with cow horns and the disc of the sun.
You enter a huge hall
flanked by eight huge statue pillars which depict Rameses as the god Osiris.
Then you enter a smaller hall leading to a hallway and sanctuary, which holds the seated figures of Rameses, Ptah, Amun-Ra
and Ra-Horakhty. In Nefertaris you have six statues of Hathor, a hallway and sanctuary. The interior wall carvings celebrate
Rameses many military victories and show them in religious rituals.
After the construction
of the Aswan Dam in the 60s, the temples were threatened by the rising water levels of Lake Nassar and had to be cut in blocks
and moved 180 metres inland and raised 65 metres to higher ground.
The Sphinx
The sphinx, was long
considered to have been built during the 4th dynasty with the great pyramids. Now the age of the sphinx is in question, some
of the rock erosion patterns on the body of the sphinx suggest that they were caused by flowing water from rainfall. The last
time that rainfall was abundent in Ancient Egypt was about 10500 years ago ! Who knows !
Why is the head of the
sphinx not proper in size as related to it's body ? One theory put forth was that the head, being out of the sand for a long
period of time,while the body was covered with sand, became very
eroded due to the wind and sand, while the body did not. The ancient egyptians decided to re-carve the head and by doing so
made it smaller due to having to remove some of the eroded stone. The real questions is; what did the head look like before
the ancient egyptians re-carved it. Is it the same, only smaller, or is it completely different than the original head ?
Edgar Rice Cayce predicted
in the 1930's that a Hall of Records would be found in a chamber beneath the paws of the Sphinx sometime between 1998-2001
that when revealed will astonish the World!!!!! This prediction was made 40 YEARS before a cavity was determined to be 50
feet below ground, between the paws of the Sphinx. Exploration of this chamber has yet to be allowed by the egyptian government!
A piece of the beard
from the Sphinx has been found tucked away in a glass case in a corner of the British
Philae Temple was dismantled and reassembled
(on Agilika Island about 550 meters from
its original home on Philae Island) in the wake of the High Dam. The temple, dedicated to
the goddess Isis, is in a beautiful setting which has been landscaped to match its original site. It's various shrines and
sanctuaries, which include The Vestibule of Nectanebos I which is used as the entrance to the island, the Temple
of the Emperor Hadrian, a Temple of Hathor,
Trajan's Kiosk (Pharaohs Bed), a birth house and two pylons celebrate all the deities involved in the Isis
and Osiris myth. The Victorian world fell in love with the romance of the Temple.
But at night you can also visit the Sound and Light Show, a magical experience as floodlit buildings are silhouetted against
the volcanic rocks and water surrounding them. So today, Philae is more fun then every before.
Although antiquities
on the island date between the 26th Dynasty and the Roman Period, most of the work is from that of the Roman. This was a time
of immense popularity of the Goddess Isis, and this was her island, where pilgrims would come from all over the Mediterranean. Construction on the island took place over an 800 year span, and it was one of the last
strongholds of Ancient Egyptian Religion which continued to flourish here into the 6th Century. When the Temples where finally closed by Justinian in A.D 550, it ended 4,000 years of worship of
the pagan gods.
The Philae
Temple complex, prior to its removal and restoration, set alongside Biga Island. To the ancient Egyptians, Biga
was the sacred mound, the first ground created from Nun out of Chaos. This was the legendary burial place of Osiris. The earth
was considered to be part of his body so that only priests and temple servants were permitted to live there.
KV 1 Ramesses VII 20
KV 32 Unknown 18
KV 2 Ramesses IV 20 KV
33 Unknown 18
KV 3 Constructed for
a son of Ramesses III 20 KV 34 Tuthmosis III 18
KV 4 Ramesses XI 20 KV
35 Amenhotep II 18
KV 5 Sons of Ramesses
II 19 KV 36 Maiherperi 18
KV 6 Ramesses IX 20 KV
37 Unknown 18
KV 7 Ramesses II 19 KV
38 Tuthmosis I 18
KV 8 Merenptah 19 KV
39 Unknown 18
KV 9 Ramesses V/VI 20
KV 40 Unknown 18
KV 10 Amenmeses 19 KV
41 Unknown 18
KV 11 Ramesses III 20
KV 42 Unknown 18
KV 12 Unknown 18 KV 43
Tuthmosis IV 18
KV 13 Bay 19 KV 44 Unknown
KV 14 Tausert / Setnakht
19 KV 45 Unknown 18
KV 15 Seti II 19 KV 46
Yuya and Thuya 18
KV 16 Ramesses I 19 KV
47 Siptah 19
KV 17 Seti I 19 KV 48
Amenemopet 18
KV 18 Ramesses X 20 KV
49 Unknown 18
KV 19 Mentuherkhepshef
20 KV 50 Unknown 18
KV 20 Thutmoses I/ Hatshepsut
18 KV 51 Unknown 18
KV 21 Unknown 18 KV 52
Unknown 18
WV 22 Amenhotep III 18
KV 53 Unknown 18
WV 23 Ay 18 KV 54 Unknown
WV 24 Unknown 18 KV 55
Amarna Cache 18
WV 25 Unknown 18 KV 56
Unknown 18
KV 26 Unknown 18 KV 57
Horemheb 18
KV 27 Unknown 18 KV 58
Unknown 18
KV 28 Unknown 18 KV 59
Unknown 18
KV 29 Unknown 18 KV 60
Unknown 18
KV 30 Unknown 18 KV 61
Unknown 18
KV 31 Unknown 18 KV 62
Tutankhamun 18